We can bring your post to a larger audience and provide more exposure to your work or your company. Our guest writers come from all kinds of backgrounds and businesses but all of them create great content that we know our readers will be interested in.
If you are interested in submitting a guest post you can contact us at info@offshorethemes.com
But before you do, it’s important you read the rules.
- A minimum of 1000 words
- Should pass the Copyscape test for plagiarism.
- Dividing your content into clear paragraphs makes it easier for users to read.
- These can be included but should be added to the content to provide useful information to the audience. We will NOT accept spammy, non-informative links or black hat link building schemes.
- You can include media such as images, videos, maps, tweets etc in your post but should be free from copyright issues.
Guest Posts We Do Not Like
We don’t like posts that are too promotional of either the writer’s own business or of someone else’s (i.e. articles that look and read like ads).
We’re happy to promote writers and their companies. And we love to read interviews with interesting startups. But articles should stand by themselves and provide the reader with new information rather than simply act as advertorial content.